

We offer unique and inspiring yoga products for children and families to enrich their wellbeing on and off the mat. Our Rainbow Chakra kids yoga cards are like no other cards you have seen before, and our chakra crystals complement the cards perfectly.

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Selenite Heart

Selenite Heart

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This beautiful heart shaped Selenite is a stunning crystal to add to your crystal collection.

The powerful, gentle, yet highly effective vibration of Selenite makes it an extremely healing crystal. Holding the heart in your hand is said to help dissolve any negative energy from the body.

Selenite (aka Liquid Light) has many wonderful benefits. It can:

  • create calm and tranquillity in any environment or home,

  • capture, cleanse and dispel negative energy or unblock stagnant energy in a room and keep the good energy flowing, so protective for children and families,

  • instil deep inner peace so perfect during meditation,

  • promote clarity of mind and focus and enable one to make good strong decisions,

  • dissolve energy blockages in the body by having it nearby or waving it up and down one’s body whilst visualising it removing any negativity, pain, stress or worry,

  • be used to strengthen memory,

  • improve troubled sleep as it calms nightmares so keep it in a child’s bedroom for a quality night’s sleep,

  • amplify the energy of other crystals and objects. It can enhance the effectiveness of certain crystals and promote their healing properties,

  • self-cleanse and recharge itself,

  • be used to recharge and cleanse other crystals by placing them near it.

Selenite deeply resonates with our third eye and crown chakras, and can help to clear, open and activate them.

The Selenite heart is truly beautiful, magical and tactile, children will be so drawn to it. However it is very delicate so care must be taken with children are handling them.

Approx size: 4-4.5cm wide

Price is per one piece, intuitively picked for you. The pictures represent the quality and sizing you can expect to receive however please note that every selenite heart is unique and hand carved so there will be slight variations.

Please Note: Do NOT put selenite in or near water as it will dissolve.