

We offer unique and inspiring yoga products for children and families to enrich their wellbeing on and off the mat. Our Rainbow Chakra kids yoga cards are like no other cards you have seen before, and our chakra crystals complement the cards perfectly.

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Heart Chakra Bundle

Heart Chakra Bundle

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This bundle will help support and boost your heart chakra and give you a greater sense of love, compassion and comfort when dealing with strong emotions.


  • 1 x Green Aventurine tumbled stone - a comforter and heart healer. It brings well-being and emotional calm. Protective of the heart. Great for children who are shy as it is the stone of leadership, and a good luck stone so perfect for children doing tests or exams.

  • 1 x Green Aventurine crystal chip bracelet - as above

  • 1 x Prehnite crystal chip bracelet - a soothing healing stone that can help children with nightmares, phobias by bringing peace, love and joy and relief from worries. It assists in trusting and letting go, calming the environment around you and helping one to be prepared.

  • 1 x Peridot crystal chip bracelet - the crystal of warmth and wellbeing. It opens the heart to receive, it cleanses the heart of hurt feelings. Helpful during bedtime for a restful sleep.

  • 1 x Green Breeze chakra essential oil roller blend - 10mL with rollerball applicator | Heart chakra | The Love blend | Ingredients: Fractionated coconut oil, Jasmine, Neroli, Sandalwood

  • Small keepsake cotton bag to keep all the goodies safe and close no matter where you are

Suitable for children 4yrs+

Additional notes:

How to use the essential oil roller blend:

Self apply by rolling onto chakra point, wrists, back of ears, neck, or bottom of feet.

Use when practising yoga with our Rainbow Chakra cards, apply your blend, breathe in to embrace the aroma, breathe out and repeat an affirmation from the cards to magnify its power, or use during the day or evening when your chakras need a boost of healing rainbow energy.


Always patch test first.

Only for topical application.

Do not take internally.

Crystal Chip bracelet

  • These crystals chips are small in size, measuring approx 0.5 - 1cm wide, so can be a choking hazard around little ones.

  • Bracelets vary in width, approx 6.5-7cm wide. Width not adjustable.

  • They are threaded on elastic so they are easy to put on and take off.

  • Crystals are powerful but are not a substitute for professional medical attention.

Crystal Tumbled Stone

  • The crystal is small in size approx 2-3cm wide, so can be a choking hazard for young children.

  • Crystals are powerful but are not a substitute for professional medical attention.

  • Each and every crystal is unique, just like us. Therefore, the crystal you receive will vary in exact colour, size and shape to the photo shown. Your crystal will be intuitively chosen just for you, and cleansed and recharged with white sage prior to delivery.