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My daily ritual - The G.L.A.D technique


Develop a positive daily ritual with the G.L.A.D technique.

This is one thing that I have been incorporating into my evening everyday for the last month, and it has really helped instil a more grateful and positive mindset. Designed by Donald Altman, the G.L.A.D technique encourages you to pay attention to the positive things in your day, things that may frequently go unnoticed and reduce negative self- talk.

Each letter stands for:





It is a simple grounding and resiliency tool to reflect on the day and acknowledge that, ‘hey, maybe the day wasn’t that bad, maybe it didn’t go as planned but there were some positives’. It encourages you to find the good in every day (no matter what your day was like), and to celebrate the small things, the big things and everything in between.

It is something you can do at the dinner table with the family or before bedtime, share with one person or simply do it alone; you can write it in a journal or just think about it before bed. I personally do it myself once I hop into bed. Either way, strive to do it for at least 3 weeks so that it becomes a natural habit and soon a family tradition and daily ritual.

Catherine Tong